Visitor # since Jan. 23, 2005.
The IKV Rebel Yell was commissioned in 1999. It is current patrolling the Houston and Southwestern area of Texas.
Our current crew consists of 3 honorable and brave warriors.
Our group was founded in January of 1998. We are part of KAG (Klingon Assault Group.) KAG is a not-for-profit organization that is composed of star trek fans that enjoy portraying a Klingons. There are no dues required to join. All we require is that you are motivated to create a Klingon costume for use at events. The IKV Rebel Yell is a community oriented fan club, which means that we are committed to promoting our fan club through charities, blood drives, SciFi conventions, and group gatherings.
Duj tlvoqtaH (Always trust your instincts.)
Glory to the Empire!!
Motto: Rebels to the end.
Member of the Klingon Assault Group, Cold Terror Fleet, Cold Revenge Quadrant. Texas Sector.
Last update: 09 March 2005
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